When you click the following links, you will be prompted to leave this secure area and you will be taken to the general world wide web (public domains).  This secure server area will remain open so that you can easily return and log in for secure communications! 

  • Wanna know if I'm accepting new clients at this time?  


  • ConnectNOW!  


Take a look at the new TalkifUwant.com website, a redesign from the 2010 roll out.  Still in progress the new site will improve in coming weeks and months!  Prior to 2010 (in the early 2000's) the practice had a non-branded site --- yeah my practice was digital before domain branding was yet a thing!  From the first non-branded site (http://www.nettally.com/klroze/index.html) to a first branded site (talkifuwant) and now to the newest version - over 100 pages of talkifuwant.com data is being updated!  I'll keep some of the old (animated graphics I built, original photos I took and some earmarks to remind old and new users that allot has changed - and that you're still in the right place). 

Social Media for Professionals?  Oh Yeah!  I did that too - when facebook had "fan pages," before there was an instagram or a pinterest and before "blogs" were even a thing! I was already there  - heck we had a social medial presence before the National Association for my profession even had a social media policy (yeah, the NASW produced theirs in 2017)!  And I was doing online work before encryption, before the language for digital practice even was known (I first published about it in 2010 and again in 2012 --- see articles on the public domain if you're interested)! HIPAA really wasn't out there either --- at least not related to online medical records!  Plus, my practice went live with electronic secure services BEFORE hospitals were doing it...yeah the feds gave HIPAA certified money to the big guys ... so my secure server is just HIPAA compliant (meaning, me and the company who built this server didn't get a penny for meeting the same kind of gold standard)! ....Anyway -- times have changed!  And here's some of legal "stuff" before you jump in:

  • Social media and and professional communications have rules ... and we're making sure we comply:  https://talkifuwant.com/socialmedia
  • Privacy statement and how information is used, shared, stored and what the rules are (since the rules have FINALLY become the norm in the US and in the mental health industry): https://talkifuwant.com/privacy-statement
  • Patient Bill of Rights have been in the medical field for a long long time.  Many states have had these built into statute too.  Here's a little tidbit:  it used to be that mental health thought of itself as distinct from the medical field. How's that for strange, huh?  So yeah, there is a "patient bill of rights" to consider too:  https://talkifuwant.com/patientbillofrights

TalkifUwant on social media:  so now that the legal stuff about non-secure stuff is out of the way - here's a way to find us...most of the time using the pen name TalkifUwant will get you there:


Out of Network Insurance: https://talkifuwant.com/insurance

Youtube Practice Info Video: https://youtu.be/kZc5Nbi1eIg

Clinical Hypnosis Info: https://talkifuwant.com/hypnosis

Retreat Information video: https://talkifuwant.com/retreats

Online Reviews: HEALTHGRADES & Yelp 

HEALTHGRADES USER: "after 30 years he hypnotized me to quit smoking - incredible"  
YELP USER: "a humorous and trendy scientific approach...every week or not!"

B2B Supervision and Providers: https://talkifuwant.com/providers

Articles of Interest and Freebies:

Questions by phone or text?

FL, DC and MO Clients: 850-545-2886

* Texting is NOT a secure form of communications.  If you elect to text the practice you are advised that you are doing so where privacy is not ensured.  Please text at your own acceptance that privacy is compromised (between carriers, phones, towers, platforms and apps) in so doing.